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Newsletter; 21 September 2020

Hello Mulberry House families!

This week we welcome our annual ‘Safety Week’ at school, where the children learn about how to keep themselves safe and also the different organizations available to us to keep us safe like the fire, police and hospital services. We will be paid a visit from the Bangkok Fire Service tomorrow on Tuesday where they will show us the fire truck, extendable ladder and fire hoses. The children always enjoy taking a ride in the extendable ladder and learning about the fire fighters’ jobs. On Wednesday we will be treated to a visit from Bangkok hospital Doctor and Nurses (Dr. Suthep) who will demonstrate different aspects of hospital treatment and we may also get to have a look inside an ambulance!

All the classes will be focusing on different aspects of safety this week and there will be lots of activities concentrating on teaching the children best practice on issues of safety. As well as demonstrations from professionals, we will cover subjects such as correct hand washing procedure, teeth brushing and emergency services role plays to allow the children to step into the roles of the people who take care of us. The playground has been revamped for this purpose, with lots of fun changes made like dressing the cars up as emergency service vehicles for the children to enjoy. 

We are all very much looking forward to this week and we hope everyone enjoys themselves. Please also enjoy the Teacher blurbs detailing the start of the year in each class and what the children have been doing. 

Thanks and have a wonderful week

Ms. Jessica (Penguin Class)

Welcome to a new school year Penguin Families! It has been a great start in the Nursery 1 classroom. The children have been settling in well as they explore their new surroundings. The Penguins especially like their time outside in the Big Garden where they play in the sand, at the water tables, and drive cars. In the classroom, we have explored many sensory activities such as pouring pasta, washing dishes, and making vegetable soup! The children are beginning to understand the daily routine and have started to recognise their new friends. We look forward to learning all about firefighters, police officers, and doctors during Safety Week! We are so proud of the Penguins so far and cannot wait to learn this year! 

Ms. Kendyl (Elephant Class)

The Elephants have been very busy in N2 so far. The first few weeks are always about settling in, making new friends, and gaining confidence in the school routines. The elephants are still exploring their classroom and the different materials available to them. We are getting comfortable trying new things and activities while building on themes and ideas we already know and love. Some of their favourite activities include using scissors, water colours, cooking in the dramatic play area, singing Nursery Rhymes, and water play. 

The first few weeks we talked about ourselves, families, and friends. The Elephants have improved their social skills as we learn to play together, work together, and share classroom materials. We are learning to use our words to express our wants and needs as well as likes and dislikes. Watching them use strategies they learnt to solve their own problems has already been so exciting to watch. 

We have begun to learn the sounds of the environment as well as phonemes (s, a, t, and i). The elephants have been busy learning colors, shapes, counting, and speaking in complete sentences in English. In our learning we always try to promote fine and gross motor skills so we have strong bodies and to promote future writing skills. Starting next week we will begin number recognition, continue learning letter sounds, and begin safety week! The first few weeks of school have been so much fun and we can’t wait to see what else we have to learn and explore.

Mr. Rick (Giraffe Class)

Welcome Giraffe Class families to a new year at Mulberry House!

The Giraffes have settled in now and done an amazing job getting used to their new schedules, routines and surroundings. They are a lovely little bunch of children and play and learn together so well! They have been enjoying playing outside in the playground, swimming pool and classroom with all of the new toys on offer. They have been working on their pencil control, cutting, sharing and counting skills in maths and literacy. We have studied some very interesting themes so far and the children have been enjoying learning about things like healthy eating, five senses and emotions.

It has been great to see the return of Mr. Adam to school and the children have been learning and improving on their ball control skills. The Giraffes really enjoy singing and dancing and so we always have fun with old favorites and also learning new songs, with some being performed in assembly to the enjoyment of the whole school. We are all excited to see how we can get the Giraffes involved in the Christmas play this year! We have safety week coming up this week which is always a very fun and rewarding time at school. We are looking forward to the rest of the year with the Giraffes and the fun and progress we will make!

Ms. Sinead (Kangaroo Class)

The children have all successfully made the transition to their new class and they are settling in well. They are learning the new rules of the classroom and timetable in K2 and enjoying all the activities so far! 

This term our topic has been 'Ourselves.' 

The Kangaroos have been busy; they have created self portraits, an All About Me booklet, decorated their name collage and painted a family tree. We have explored the five senses, enjoying a senses scavenger hunt outside and a blindfolded taste test and explored different textures. 

In Maths the children are developing their number sense in numbers 1-10 and then to 20. They have enjoyed using the numicon and different resources to help them. We have also begun to learn about 2D shapes, noting their different properties and names and creating 2D shape monsters! In Phonics the Kangaroos are learning their single sounds and beginning to blend their sound too. This term we will also learn the first set of tricky words! 

Coach Adam has returned and the children are enjoying their weekly gym sessions! 

We have some very exciting topics ahead and I am very much looking forward to being a part of the Kangaroos learning journey throughout the academic year in Kindergarten 2!



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