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Newsletter;8 September 2020

Hello Mulberry House families!

Welcome to a fresh week at Mulberry House, we hope that you all enjoyed the long weekend. We have been very glad to welcome back our sports coach Mr. Adam who joins us every Tuesday to teach the children fitness and football skills. Today was the second week he has joined us this school year and it has been amazing to see the children having such fun, and impressing us with their skills!

After class activities started this week with today’s Kindergarten Little Chefs and Nursery Music and Movement. The children had a great time in their classes and we are all excited for the rest of the week’s fun activities and after school games. Check the website for more details on what we have to offer after normal school hours, it’s never too late to sign up if you haven’t already.

Safety week is also approaching on the week commencing Monday 21st September. We will have a fire truck visit from the Fire Service on Tuesday 22nd, and a visit from Bangkok Hospital doctors on Wednesday 23rd. These are always good fun and the children always enjoy learning about the different aspects of health and safety during this period.

Thanks and have a wonderful week!



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